Chapter 1 – Routing and Navigation

Chapter 1A – Scheduling Limits

Chapter 1B – Systems to Implement

Chapter 1C – Most Efficient Job to Job Routes

Chapter 1D – How to Plan Your Daily Route

Chapter 2 – Loading

Chapter 2A – Keeping Vehicles Light

Chapter 2B – Route Specific Loading

Chapter 3 – Settings

Chapter 3A – Fuel Efficiency Modes

Chapter 3B – Temperature Control

Chapter 4 – Driving Methods

Chapter 4A – Lifting and Coasting

Chapter 4B – Acceleration

Chapter 4C – Cruise Control

Chapter 5 – Parking

Chapter 5A – Where to Park

Chapter 5B – What Angle to Park At

Chapter 5C – Parking Equipment

Chapter 6 – Windows vs A/C

Chapter 6A – The Data

Chapter 6B – When to Open Windows

Chapter 6C – When to Use A/C

Chapter 7 – How to Apply to Different Contexts

Chapter List