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World Water Day 101: Understanding the Importance of Water Conservation in Colorado Springs

World Water Day is an international observance day that is celebrated every year on March 22nd. The day is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of water conservation and sustainable water management practices. As an environmental consulting business in Colorado Springs, Woop Environmental is committed to promoting the responsible use of water resources. In this blog, we will explain what World Water Day is and offer five tips on reducing water use.

What is World Water Day?

World Water Day is an annual event that was first observed in 1993. It was established by the United Nations General Assembly to highlight the global water crisis and promote sustainable water management practices. Each year, the day focuses on a specific theme related to water conservation, such as water scarcity, water pollution, or water-related disasters.The theme for World Water Day 2023 is “Water and Climate Change”. The aim of this year’s campaign is to raise awareness about the impact of climate change on water resources and to promote water conservation as a key solution to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Here are 5 tips on how you can reduce your water use here in Colorado Springs!

First tip is to fix any leaks. While it is an absolute obvious one, any leaking pipes, faucets, or any other leak supplied by the running water you pay for is an absolute waste of money and water.

Using water efficient appliances is probably the best way to reduce your water usage without changing how you do things. Look for water and energy efficient appliances next time you go shopping for them!

Watering outdoor and indoor plants can use immense amounts of water, of course this depends on how many plants you have. What is certain though is that by watering your plants at cooler times of the day and only when needed you can save plenty of money on water and save plenty of water while still having your beautiful Colorado Springs garden!

Be mindful of your water use. This article is written for both businesses and households so just saying to take shorter showers wont cut it. Now reducing your shower by 1 minute can save you 2.5 gallons per shower. But for businesses it is a bit more complex. If you want specific help on how to reduce your business’ water use you can book a free inspection with us here and we’ll let you know how to do it in the most cost effective way!

Our last tip is one that the environment uses all the time.; that is using native plants in landscaping. There is a reason you see cacti out in the desert and not in rainforests. Every plant is going to do well in specifc environments, and if you use the native plants you may not even need to take specifc care of them. Not only are the native plants easier to maintain, they use way less water. At least here in Colorado Springs since we have a very dry climate. This tip is the best way to reduce your water use as watering lawns is one of the highest uses of water here in Colorado Springs. So use native plants and save some water, money, and help the environment out by helping the local wildlife!

Well that was 5 tips on how to reduce your water usage here in Colorado Springs. If you want to learn even more about what your business can do to reduce even more and save a lot of money book a free inspection today with us!

Woop Environmental | Environmental Consulting in Colorado Springs| Helping Businesses Help the World