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More Green Outdoors = More Green in Your Wallet - Small Business Sustainability

In today's business arena, small enterprises are witnessing a shift in the winds—a shift towards sustainability. This article delves into why sustainability is no longer a choice but a game-changer for small businesses. Discover how going green is not just about helping the planet; it's about transforming your small business into a resilient, thriving force in the marketplace. Ready to redefine success on your terms? Let's see how you can keep more green both outdoors and in your wallet!

Cost-Efficiency Through Sustainability:

A very popular acronym in sustainability which is the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. The biggest business case for sustainability comes from that first, Reduce. Reducing your usage of resources of any kind is going to save you money. Imagine if you can manufacture the same product with 33% less material. With the same amount of money now you can make 33% more product, or even better, save 33% on your material costs. End of the day reducing anything, whether it’s material or energy, or water usage is going to save your business a ton of money while also keeping your sustainability levels at the top of your industry!

Enhanced Brand Image and Customer Loyalty:

A very common concept in business is the social license to operate. This concept entails that in order for a business to succeed or even just exist, it needs aproval from the people it serves or wants to serve. Sustainability is becoming an increasingly cruicial factor in maintaining your social license to operate. Not only can it save you when your make questionable decisions that affect your reputation but it’ll make sure that your current customers stay loyal customers thanks to your sustainable practices. Greenwashing is also becoming a factor that customers are looking out for, so having proper sustainability practices in place is crucial for atracting good customers.

Employee Productivity and Well-being:

We talked about how sustainability is important for atracting and maintaining customers, however it is just as impactful when it comes to employees. Employees will look at their employer more positively when the company cares both about them and the environment. However, in your efforts for sustainability it is essential that you do not make your employee’s jobs harder just for sustainability. Instead use it as both a recruitment tool and as a way to provide purpose and motivation to your employees.

Long-Term Resilience and Risk Mitigation:

Like I explained earlier, less resource usage means more profits. However, it also means less risk. A sustainable business is much safer from price increases of resources like gas and energy, reputation risk, and potential carbon or sustainability taxes. While this does not put more money in your wallet now, it can massively save you money the next time your utility bills go up.

Access to New Markets and Opportunities:

While this is a more indirect benefit of sustainability, there are always new opportunities that you’ll come across in the search to make your business better. When I decided to make my clothing company a sustainable clothing brand not only did I achieve sustainability but I created much better quality products that lasted much longer than the previous products I sold. This was not my objective at first but it ended up being the biggest benefit from making my business sustainable.

Well now that you know exactly why sustainability is crucial to making your business better, go check out how we can help you achieve that here. You can always check out our other blog posts for advice on how to make your business sustainable or you can also contact us directly here.