10 Environmentally-Friendly Plants for Landscaping in Colorado Springs

If you're looking to create an environmentally-friendly landscape in Colorado Springs, choosing the right plants is key. Not only do they help reduce water usage and maintenance needs, but they also provide habitat for local wildlife and support the local ecosystem. In this article, we'll highlight 10 plants that are eco-friendly and perfect for landscaping in Colorado Springs.

  1. Blue Grama Grass - A low-maintenance native grass that requires minimal water and provides habitat for local wildlife.

  2. Blanket Flower - A colorful perennial that blooms throughout the summer and requires minimal water and maintenance.

  3. Rocky Mountain Columbine - The official state flower of Colorado, this delicate wildflower is a great addition to any landscape and supports local pollinators.

  4. Purple Coneflower - A drought-tolerant perennial that blooms throughout the summer and attracts butterflies and bees.

  5. Fringed Sage - A fragrant perennial that requires little water and maintenance, and provides habitat for local wildlife.

  6. Yarrow - A hardy perennial that requires minimal water and maintenance, and attracts local pollinators.

  7. Soapweed Yucca - A native succulent that requires little water and maintenance, and provides habitat for local wildlife.

  8. Silverleaf Leadplant - A drought-tolerant shrub that provides habitat for local wildlife, and requires minimal maintenance.

  9. Apache Plume - A low-maintenance shrub that produces showy white flowers and supports local pollinators.

  10. Prickly Pear - A drought-tolerant succulent that produces colorful blooms and edible fruit, and requires minimal water and maintenance. It's also a great source of food for local wildlife and adds a unique touch to any landscape.

By incorporating these eco-friendly plants into your landscaping, you'll not only be supporting the local ecosystem, but you'll also be creating a beautiful and sustainable landscape that requires less water and maintenance. Plus, these plants are all well-suited to Colorado Springs' climate and soil, making them a great choice for any local homeowner or business owner.

To learn more about eco-friendly landscaping in Colorado Springs, be sure to contact your local landscaping professional today. With their expertise and knowledge, they can help you create a beautiful and sustainable landscape that's perfect for your unique needs and preferences.

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